
COVID-19 Update - Week 3


COVID-19 Update - Week 3

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The church is not a building, and it cannot be cancelled. Be encouraged today that God can still work in and through the church even though we are not able to be together at this time!


Our good friends Bob and Stacy Ball have taken up the incredible task of serving meals Monday - Saturday from 4-5pm to help provide relief for this virus. On Saturdays they are also giving out boxes of groceries. Join us in supporting their efforts and spread the word to those who you think might benefit from this ministry.


Our offices are closed, but our phones are open! Get in touch with us by calling 765-288-8383.


If you have not already made the switch to online giving, here is a helpful tutorial that will walk you through how to do that. Thank you for your generosity, we understand that this may be difficult for those whose revenue streams have been affected.


What time will we gather in person?
What time will the doors open before service?
What time will the online services be available?
Do I need a reservation to attend a service on campus?
How do I prepare for electronic check in on campus?
How will seating be handled in the Worship Center?
Should I wear a face mask?
Will there be singing during service?
What happens if maximum capacity is reached in the Worship Center?
Will kids ministries meet?
Should those in the “at-risk” category attend?
What will dismissal look like following service?
What if I need to talk with a Pastor?
Will the coffee shop be open?
What cleaning and sanitizing will be done?
What about those who are sick or have symptoms?
What if I’m not ready to return to in-person gatherings?
What will the greeting time look like during services?